2025 PLURAL+ Youth Video Festival

Deadline: 15 June 2025, 5:00 PM Eastern Daylight Time
* 2025 Entry Form

Video Entry Information

Note: * denotes a required field.

Length of video
* Videos must be between one (1) and five (5) minutes, including opening and closing credits. If an entry is slightly below or above the aforementioned limit, it will be reviewed on a case-to-case basis, and approval will be at the discretion of the PLURAL+ team.

Eligible videos must be produced after 01 January 2022.
What is the main theme of the video? (Please choose one)
What is the secondary theme of the video? (Please choose one)
Please select one (1) Special Recognition that you are submitting your video to, if applicable:
Type no more than 100 words.

Important: Please ensure that the video link is accessible and not private.
Note: Sending entries by email is no longer allowed. Likewise, sending files via an email sharing service (e.g. WeTransfer, FileMail, etc.) will not be accepted either.

Main (Primary) Entrant Information

Type no more than 100 words.

Collaborators in making the video (if applicable)

If yes, please provide their details below:

Video Screening History

(Has the video been screened before - on the Internet, another festival, etc.? If so, please include below the year, location, and context of any previous screenings. If not, leave blank.)

Primary Contact

The primary contact should be someone who is able to answer questions about the video, and receive/answer emails and phone calls. The primary contact can be the entrant, one of video markers, a parent, a teacher, etc.
Important: Please ensure that you provide a valid and working email address that you can have access to regularly.

Before you submit:

Disclosure of content usage: *
AI Use:
Stock Footage/Image Use:

Important: Failure to disclose the use of content, including AI-generated material, stock footage, or images, may result in disqualification.


Authorization and Signature

By entering my name below, I (the entrant) certify that I own the rights to the video and I agree to its use as described here and in the PLURAL+ Rules and Regulations.

Important: By submitting this video, you certify that all of the information provided in this form is accurate to the best of your knowledge. All possible legal claims contradicting the information provided will be deferred to you, the entrant.

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