This page contains information on the various organizations collaborating on the PLURAL+ Video Festival.

Core Organizers


The United Nations Alliance of Civilizations is a project of the United Nations Secretary-General which seeks to strengthen relations and reduce tensions between different cultures. It was co-sponsored by the governments of Spain and Turkey in 2005, and today has over 100 participating countries and international organizations. The Alliance works to reduce cultural tensions by promoting dialogue, policies and projects, particularly within the areas of youth, education, migration and media.


The International Organization for Migration (IOM) acts together with its partners in the international community to uphold the human dignity and well-being of migrants; encourage social and economic development through migration; assist in meeting the growing operational challenges of migration management; and advance understanding of migration issues.



The ACTFL is an organization of more than 13,000 language educators and administrators from elementary through graduate education, as well as government and industry. Since its establishment in 1967, ACTFL’s professional development and career resources, events, networking opportunities, publications, research, assessment tools, support and promotion of standards, and advocacy elevate understanding and support for the value of language learning at all levels of instruction.


AFS is a community of more than 50 international Partner organizations that support intercultural learning, primarily through exchange programs. AFS has transformed the lives of millions of students, families, and individuals with the support of AFS Volunteers.


Balobeshayi is a social cooperative facilitating the integration of migrants in urban spaces by fostering dialogue between new arrivals and previous residents. Through the production of video, intercultural dialogue training and consultation they create a healthy communication on the subjects of migration and international development. Their work is the result of thorough research, cooperation and innovation to achieve tangible changes. Balobeshayi in the Congolese language, Tshiluba, means “We convinced you”. It aims to change the narrative on migration to promote inclusion and integration using the power of communication.


Communication and Integral Development is a legal association based in Togo which works to promote human development throughout communication and culture. Created in 2010, this organization intends to relay information by means of communication in favor of development and well-being of human. 

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Children’s Film Festival Seattle, presented annually by Northwest Film Forum for the past 12 years, is the largest and most respected competitive film festival on the West Coast dedicated to children and their families. The festival includes more than 165 international children’s films from 40 countries, and reaches more than 10,000 people during festival screenings in Seattle and a subsequent festival tour of 15-20 U.S. cities. By showcasing innovative and inspiring films from around the globe, we promote delight and discussion, sparking interest in different languages and ways of life. We strive to provide our young audience members with a cinematic experience that will inspire them to become more compassionate and better informed global citizens.


CHINH aims to promote causes of children and marginalized communities through harnessing traditional wisdom, art and culture and rediscovering them in contemporary contexts. CHINH’s prime focus is to create media space for quality children programming through an early education web channel followed by community web channel to showcase to the world a new vocabulary of social change being developed by a handful of people and organizations. CHINH is on its way to create the world’s biggest library of children’s films done by the children through its ongoing media literacy programme.

Cinemes Girona

Cinemes Girona is a Barcelona movie theater with expressed interest in promoting diversity in society. Through their daily film programming, presenting films from around the world, Cinemes Girona stimulates an open discussion with audiences aiming at encouraging diversity and better understanding of other, non western, cultures. Cinemes Girona is committed as well to supporting the development of local filmmaking talent.


CineySalud (Cinema and Health) is a program of the Department of Public Health of the Autonomous Government of Aragon (Spain). The program collaborates with educators and is implemented in schools at a regional level using film as a way to promote health within the youth, as well as promote self-esteem and empowerment, critical thinking and personal social responsibility. The program organizes the Festival de Cortometrajes y Spots Cine y Salud, an annual youth video festival around health issues.

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COPEAM is an international non-profit organization aimed at being a permanent cooperation and skill-sharing platform for the Mediterranean area audiovisual operators. COPEAM gathers more than 130 members representing 25 countries and takes concrete action in the areas of radio and TV co-production, training, and the preservation and distribution of the audiovisual heritage of the Euro-Mediterranean region.


The Festival de Cine Africano (FCAT) / the African Film Festival of Tarifa and Tangier is an independent film festival, organised by the non-profit NGO Al Tarab, that take place every year in Tarifa (Spain) and Tangier (Morocco). FCAT promotes African cinematography in Spain and Latin America, thus contributing to a better mutual understanding as well as to the development of Culture and the film industries. To facilitate the access of Spanish-speaking audiences to these films, FCAT subtitles all of the film material that it annually programs. As a result, a Film Archive has been created. Unique in its genre, this archive is currently composed of almost 1000 titles in original version with Spanish subtitles, and it is the largest African film archive available to Spanish-speakers. Thanks to this, Al Tarab is able to “Africanize” festivals and film events, not only in Spain but also in Latin America and the Caribbean.


The mission of FERA is to explore the relatively unexamined pedagogical nexus of cinema, teaching and learning. It is our belief that the psychological weight of cinematic content, the powerful visual vocabulary of the medium, and the peculiarity of cinematic aesthetics can become a powerful counterbalance to the scientizing and capitalizing tendencies of the mass media. FERA manages the PLURAL + Marcelo Lucero-Embracing Diversity FERA Award.


FilmAid, a project of Internews, harnesses the power of film to educate, inspire and empower refugees and other vulnerable communities around the world. FilmAid’s unique training courses provide ambitious young people with the skills and confidence to tell their own stories, and advocate for their own communities. By drawing on talent from within communities themselves, FilmAid brings life-saving information and life-changing stories to hundreds-of-thousands of people every year.


Free Press Unlimited is a foundation based in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Our Executive Board is made up of Leon Willems and Ruth Kronenburg. Together, they head a dedicated team of some 44 professionals. Free Press Unlimited’s media projects in 36 countries around the world are overseen by our Programme Coordinators, who specialise in particular fields and/or geographic areas.

Fundacion Publica

Established in 1998, the Fundación Audiovisual Pública Andaluza (Fundación AVA) is a non-profit public institution sponsored by the Public Business Agency of Radio and Television of Andalusia (RTVA). It was constituted with the goal of promoting the impact and strengthening the development of the audiovisual industry in Andalusia, facilitating the obtaining of the necessary tools in order to provide the companies and professionals that compose it with the adequate competitiveness for their expansion in the national, European and international fields.

global migration festival iom

Fundación Tres Culturas del Mediterráneo (The Three Cultures of the Mediterranean Foundation): The Kingdom of Morocco and the Andalusian Government decided in 1998 to create a forum which, based on the principles of peace, dialogue and tolerance, would promote the meeting of the peoples and cultures of the Mediterranean. This initiative was later joined by the Peres Center for Peace, the Palestinian National Authority and other individuals and institutions committed to dialogue and peace. The Three Cultures of the Mediterranean Foundation was established in the city of Seville on March 8, 1999. The unique, and to a certain extent exceptional, characteristics of this Foundation make it a reference point for tolerance and progress. There are few foundations in the world with such a representative and balanced plurinational presence among its members, with such a particular link to the Mediterranean area and with such a vocation of openness towards the countries bordering it. The spirit of this Foundation is also a reflection of the Euro-Mediterranean Conference in Barcelona, held in November 1995, which proposed a new horizon for the whole of the Mediterranean basin: “The establishment of an area of peace, stability and progress on both shores of a sea that has been the cradle of civilizations”.

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Hamptons International Film Festival was founded to celebrate Independent film—long, short, fiction and documentary—and to introduce a unique and varied spectrum of international films and filmmakers to our audiences. The festival is committed to exhibiting films that express fresh voices and differing global perspectives, with the hope that these programs will enlighten audiences, provide invaluable exposure for filmmakers and present inspired entertainment for all.


The IAAI GloCha (International Association for the Advancement of Innovative Approaches to Global Challenges) is a non-profit organization established in 2007 in Klagenfurt, Austria. Their main objective is to explore and promote systemic innovation regarding resource mobilization of global civil society for effective global governance in support of the work of United Nation System.


Migration Research & Training Centre (MRTC) undertakes practical and innovative research and education on migration policy issues that are essential for local, regional and international stakeholders, including governments (national, provincial and city administration), academia, international organizations, and civil society organizations, etc. MRTC actively engage in the exchange of ideas and information about migration policy with policy experts and scholars in and outside Korea, and sponsors a variety of activities and events through a close relationship with both local and overseas partnership organizations. Furthermore, the MRTC also fulfills its roles to meet social responsibility; take the lead in advancing migration policy as a new driving force of Korea; and is committed to contributing to migration policy as an Asia hub and international cooperative institution.

media education center

The Media Education Centre (MEC) for children and young people is founded as a non-political, non-profit NGO, gathering civil society willing to work for aims of scientific and professional research on the influence and application of media in non-formal education of children and young people (and their teachers) through media literacy, media education and education in media, in accordance with human and child rights on access to information, rights to preservation and respect of cultural, national and religious diversity, and the right to participate in media.

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MENTEE is a non-profit organization that provides access to a global network of mentors who share their skills and support to help create better, healthier lives for marginalized populations living around the world.

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NEXOS-Alianza Association is a non-profit organization based in Madrid aimed at promoting the Alliance of Civilizations’ purposes and ideas through audiovisual projects. The association aims to explore the links between civilizations within a framework of respect for human rights and the promotion of cultural and religious tolerance through films, TV series, teaching DVDs, websites and mobile phone games and programs.

The Paley Center for Media

The Paley Center for Media is a leader in discussing the cultural, creative, and social significance of TV, radio, and emerging media platforms. It is based in New York and Los Angeles. The general public can access its impressive international collection and participate in programs that explore and celebrate the creativity, the innovations, the personalities, and the leaders who are shaping media.


The Peacemaker Corps mission is to facilitate and support peace and tolerance education among the youth of the world. The international Peace in the Streets Global Film Festival showcases young filmmakers from around the world sharing ideas about making peace at home. Because we believe peace is a human right, the Peace in the Streets Global Film Festival empowers young people everywhere in the world with access to any technology available to share their ideas, innovative approaches and individual voices with one another in their quest for a better world.


Along with his work as a photographer, since 1983 Reza has been a volunteer committed to the training of youths and women from conflict-ridden societies in the language of images, to help them strive for a better world. After founding Ainaworld in Afghanistan in 2001, Reza continued to conduct workshops on the language of images in a variety of formats (onsite and online) through his association Reza Visual Academy. He currently works with refugees, youths in the suburbs in Europe and youths coming from other disadvantaged backgrounds such as favelas in Buenos Aires.


SIGNIS is the World Catholic Association for Communication. It engages with media professionals to help transform our cultures in the light of the Gospel by promoting human dignity, justice and reconciliation. SIGNIS promotes a Media for a Culture of Peace.


SIMN, Scalabrini International Migration Network is an umbrella organization established in 2005 by the Congregation of the Missionaries of Saint Charles, Scalabrinians, with more than 250 entities involved in various activities and services helping people on the move around the world. Our vision is to foster a leading global network that serves migrants, refugees, internally displaced persons, seafarers, and itinerants, and advocates for their dignity and rights worldwide.


Television America Latina (TAL) is a network of exchange and dissemination of audiovisual production in 20 countries in Latin America. It is a nonprofit institution that brings together hundreds of partners today throughout the entire region. TV channels are public, educational and cultural institutions and independent producers, who share their programs – documentaries, series and short films – through TAL.


Insight Film Festival encourage filmmakers throughout the world to make films about ‘faith’. It creates events and spaces where such films can be displayed, discussed and celebrated. It welcomes participants from all faith backgrounds and none and focuses particularly on young filmmakers. In doing so it wants to make positive contributions to understanding, respect and community cohesion.


UNITED FOR PEACE FILM FESTIVAL (UFPFF) is a film festival for young people such as students. UFPFF is held near September 21st each year, the International Day of Peace, in Yokohama Japan to call for a peaceful world, without war or conflict. The festival aims to encourage action towards creating a peaceful world through the use of media images; a universal language shared by all.


United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) promotes the rights and wellbeing of every child in 190 countries and territories, with a special focus on reaching those in greatest need.


United Nations Television (UNTV) output includes the award-winning TV magazine series 21st Century. Distributed monthly by the UN’s Department of Public Information to more than 50 broadcasters worldwide, the series reflects UN priorities and important issues affecting the world, and our lives, today. UNTV also produces UN in Action — an award-winning series of short television features on the work the UN and its agencies. UN in Action is distributed on demand to more than 45 broadcasters in 27 countries as well as 15 UN field offices.


USA for IOM is the nonprofit partner of the UN Migration Agency, IOM. We raise awareness and funds in support of IOM’s life-saving humanitarian work to help people forced from their homes by conflict or natural disasters, or suffering at the hands of human traffickers. USA for IOM provides a channel for individuals to give hope to the millions of people worldwide who have lost the peace and security of a permanent home. Learn more about USA for IOM here.


WADADA News for Kids is a cooperation of TV programs in Europe, Africa, Asia and Latin America. Here you can follow our daily updates from Bangladesh, Bolivia, Burma, Ghana, Indonesia, Nepal, Netherlands, Nicaragua, Peru, Sierra Leone, South Africa, Suriname and Zambia. ‘People deserve to know’. That’s the aim of Free Press Unlimited. And that’s why we have created WADADA News for Kids. Broadcasting the future!


CEAR is the Spanish Commission for Refugees (CEAR), a non-governmental organisation founded in 1979 with a volunteer, humanitarian, independent and plural approach. CEAR was founded based on strong ethical values, such as justice, solidarity, freedom, equality, plurality, transparency and coherence. The defense of these values is our main incentive to carry out our duties. Its aim is the defense and promotion of the right of asylum as well as the human rights of asylum seekers, refugees, internally displaced people, migrants in a vulnerable situation and stateless people.


FACIUNI is an initiative of DIRECTV,  a festival created with an innovative format in order to promote international academic interaction, showcase the extraordinary work developed by University students, and stimulate the interaction and exchange amongst the new generation of movie makers.


Italian Movie Award is an International Festival that takes place in Pompeii from 29 July to 6 August 2018 and then ends with the awards ceremony on 10 December at the Paley Center For Media in New York. Projections of films, docs and short films, reviews, exhibitions, and the 5th edition of the Italian Movie Master, a film training course, free for 100 students. This year a retrospective dedicated to the Denzel Washington. In addition, the international competition called “Short Social World Competition” where directors from all over the world participate with short films on social issues. Since 2009 the Festival has registered over 4,000 works. President and Artistic Director of the festival is the film director Carlo Fumo. Theme of the 2018 edition: FUTURE: “A look at the generations, those who believe in the beauty of their dreams, because the teachings of today represent the choices and actions of tomorrow”.


MediaBus   is a foundation that collaborates with education professionals, developing media and information literacy initiatives, particularly in rural schools of Chile.


The Royal Film Commission  (RFC) is a financially and administratively autonomous Jordanian public organization led by a Board of Commissioners, chaired by HRH Prince Ali Bin Al Hussein. Member of the Association for Film Commissioners International (AFCI), RFC aims to build in Jordan a world-class, cutting-edge film industry where all people of the Middle East can freely make films alongside the world’s most talented artists. RFC provides education and training, production services and fosters film culture in Jordan.  


SIMA (Social Impact Media Awards) is an arts organization registered in California and Germany.  SIMA aims to advance global awareness, social justice, human rights and education by supporting independent producers, organizations and content creators on the front-lines of social change, and amplifying the impact of their works to inspires activism, compassion and social transformation.


Founded in mid-1985 and with a circulation of over 50,000 per month, Videomaker is the #1 national consumer magazine in the USA for video enthusiasts. A small team works together to write, design, market, and sell for Videomaker. In addition, they produce webinars, events, instructional video courses, and Videomaker‘s website. Videomaker empowers people to make videos in a way that inspires, encourages, and equips them for success; by building a community of readers, web visitors, viewers, attendees, and marketers.


Visual Voices (VIVOs) is a non-for-profit organization based in Nicosia, Cyprus focused on arts-based peacebuilding both locally and internationally. The VIVOs mission is to enable conflict affected communities, through their youth and young artists, to artistically advocate for peace. To achieve this goal, VIVOs works at the intersection between strategic social art and arts-based peacebuilding.

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