PLURAL+ Recognitions and Opportunities

Recipient videos of the PLURAL+ Youth Video Festival are chosen based on their potential to have an impact on the audience, as well as on their artistic, innovative, and creative content. UNAOC and IOM work closely with an International Jury of six to eight members who are selected every year for their experience and achievements in the fields of filmmaking and media, as well as migration, diversity, social inclusion, and the prevention of xenophobia.

There are a variety of opportunities and distinctions granted through PLURAL+ each year. The PLURAL+ International Jury Distinction is given to one video per age category (Three in total: Up to 12 years old; 13 to 17 years old; and 18 to 25 years old). In addition, UNAOC and IOM will confer the following Special Recognitions:

  • The Special Recognition for Combating Xenophobia and Discrimination will be conferred to a video that promotes mutual respect and highlights global issues of xenophobia and discrimination. This includes discrimination based on ethnicity, religion or belief, including antisemitism, Christianophobia, Islamophobia, and other forms of intolerance against other religions and faiths.
  • The Special Recognition for Responsible Narratives on Migration will be granted to a video portraying the efforts aimed at tackling online misinformation and disinformation affecting migrants, while promoting ethical storytelling and dissemination of accurate, fact-based information from reliable sources.

PLURAL+ partner organizations will also confer a multitude of recognitions and professional opportunities to outstanding young filmmakers.

Recipients get a chance to present their work during the annual PLURAL+ Ceremony, an exciting event attended by a diverse, global audience (UN staff, media professionals, representatives of civil society organizations, academics, etc.).

PLURAL+ videos gain international exposure, and their young media makers get the opportunity to meet and network with many professionals, peers, and organizations and explore opportunities for further distribution and dissemination of their work.